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Nelson – Page 2 – FlowKode

Adding jars to tomcat 7 on Gentoo

Here goes a post as a reminder for myself and for others that may have the same issues as I do.I needed to add the spring-instrument-tomcat.jar to my tomcat so I could use LTW on a spring app I am developing, after hours thinking why adding the jar to /usr/share/tomcat-7/lib…

AI Challenge

Well this is a little bit of recycling, I had this posted on another blog, but since I have abandoned it I will be reposting it here for posterity, and maybe it will be useful for someone, maybe not, we never know... For a start here is my bot https://web.archive.org/web/20160527130517/http://ants.aichallenge.org/profile.php?user=7746…